Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Teeing It Up In Class

The last two years we have been fortunate enough to have the First Tee Roanoke Valley come work with our 4th and 5th grade classes.  Coach Bill and Coach Drew bring the SNAG indoor golf equipment.  Not only do they teach and practice golf skills, they also incorporate healthy nutrition and core values.  I think our kiddos can't get enough of that!  It is also nice for them to hear from people other than their parents and teachers 😉  

On the first day, the students are introduced to the equipment and work on rolling shots/putting.  When they are practicing this shot, they are not just using a putter, some stations that are rolling or tossing a tennis ball.  This is nice because it breaks up the stations.

On the second day, the students move into a full swing.  They are able to hit the length of the gym.  The same safety protocol is used as the day before.  The class really get excited when someone hits the back wall 😀

It is a great opportunity for our students to experience an activity that can be played for a lifetime!  

If you have a First Tee program in your area - REACH OUT!  See if they can come and be involved with your school. 

Check out some of our pictures....

Coach Drew going over the lesson for the day.

First Tee does a great job of providing "safety zones" for the students. This protects them from getting his with a club or ball.
Students practicing the skill for the day.

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