Friday, May 25, 2018


A friend of mine from church (THANK YOU DENISE) introduced me to a website called (DC)  It is an amazing program that helps teachers get equipment and supplies that they need to provide a fun learning atmosphere.  I have been blessed to have had twenty-two projects funded. 😲😲😲

Just last week, I had four projects funded.  Here's the cool story......

I was asked by DC to go to a local TV station and talk about DC and how it has helped my classroom.  I was super nervous and excited - but it is always cool to have POSITIVE education segments in the news.  During the interview, a new local business, BJ's Wholesale, came onto the set with four bags of equipment and news that they would be funding ALL DC projects from the Roanoke area - that's $50K!!!! 😂😂 WOW!  I still can't believe it!!  How awesome is that!!??  I can't say thank you enough to BJ's.  What a great way to give back to the community - supporting education!

I would like to thank DC, WSLS Channel 10, Daytime blue Ridge, and BJ's Wholesale for this awesome surprise and support!  Here is the news segment and some pics!

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