Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Poster Paints

I'm pretty sure that in a former life I was a cheerleader...hahaha!  I LOVE making large posters using my poster paints.  I just recently cleaned up my set and purchased some refill paint.

Yes, that is my Starbucks in the background. :-)

If you don't have a set like this, I encourage you to check it out.  A cheer team donated the set I have to our school, but I purchased the refill paint at SUPERIOR CHEER.  They sell the kits and refill paints.  I thought their prices were very reasonable!

Here is a sample of a poster I've made with the paints.  I love being able to hang them from the screen that is on our stage.  Since the walls in the gym are HUGE - it is nice to be able to make such large posters.

This picture was taken by one of my school parents at our End of the Year Award Assembly.